WHOOP WHOOP!!!!! I am SOOO EXCITED! Look what I made?!?!?!?! It's a sewing arm chair caddy! I'm thinking back and I really think this is the FIRST thing that I sew'd!! Most people who quilt know how to sew too - NOT ME! I never learned how to sew (stuff, clothes etc)... but for some reason quilting (simple quilting) is do'able for me!!! Sewing is a WHOLE OTHER ANIMAL!! LOL Cutting out patterns etc -it's just different - at least it is to me! :) Anyway - needless to say - I AM quite excited about this. I joined a lady's blog that is a friend of Mommy's named Liz. She started this "Sewing Room Sew Along" on her blog. Every month we are going to sew something different and this is the first month!!
OK -- two things I am going to mention. The first is to relieve my conscience (LOL)..... Mommy came over today to help me learn how to do this project! She guided me through each step - BUT I REALLY DID DO IT on my own :) Without her help though - I would probably be still reading the directions saying "huh"? LOL And second, I KNOW I KNOW that the binding is really bad - but it's my first binding on a curve!! LOL That is MUCH harder for an inexperienced sewer! :)
I am going to attach pictures here so you can see! I made mine to blend with the livingroom instead of my quilt room because it is intended to be used on a chair - like while you are away from your sewing machine!! LOL
Chocolate Brown, Olive and Deep Red
(The arms on my chair are kinda fat) LOL

I'm pretty excited about the decorative stitching on the red trim here too!
Amy...I am soooooooo proud of you !!
For a beginner you did a FABULOUS job!!! I won't even tell you how my first binding looked like..in comparison yours looks like a pro!
I love the fabrics you picked :-)
I am surprised you never learned to sew, with that adorbale son of yours I would of been making him clothes all along..or toys??...maybe your next feat ? Once you get started, you will be hooked.
I will take the picutre from your blog for my next posting. I am replying to your email here since I still can't write you :-(
Amy, yeaaaaaa you finished it.. I am so proud of you... And I hope people read this AMY DID THIS ALL BY HER SELF. I think by the time we are done with Liz Sew along you will be a pro at sewing anything.
The pictures don't do it justice. I know I have seen it in person. Great job Amy
Hi Amy,
I had to pop in to visit your blog . Your caddy is beautiful - you have every right to be so proud of yourself. Isn't it neat to feel that old sewing adrenalin flowing? It really does give you a "natural high", and that's the best kind.
Angels must run in your family. I have just recently met your darling Mom & I can tell that you have a angel baby too. With all the love from both Mom and Grandma -that is one lucky baby. : )
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