There were a couple of "FIRSTS" on this project again for me! So that's good - I adding more techniques to my "Learn to Sew Stuff" LIST! I made my own piping for the first time and of course sewed the piping to my project! Also -- this is my first purse to make using the "Drop In Liner" method. I dropped the liner inside the purse outer shell and then put the binding on the top.
Here are a couple of pictures
Now I gotta make the wallet and card holder etc stuff to match (like I did with the Olive and Purple purse) You know -- this is all Mommy and Liz's fault!!!!! They are the ones that got me all wrapped up in sewing stuff!! I used to only QUILT - that's it! Now I'm always sewing something new - and it takes me a long time because I am not a VETERAN SEAMSTRESS LOL But I have to admit -- I am having a good time learning all this new stuff :)