Momy made her own grocery/shopping bags a couple years ago. She's really good about using them - she always remembers to take them in the grocery store and uses them instead of using those crappy plastic ones they give you! Anyway - recently, I've had a few "incidents" with those grocery store plastic bags BREAKING on me and stuff falling out of my bag. The final straw was when a jar of cheese wiz came out of one of my ripped bags and BROKE in the driveway! I had a broken glass and goey cheese mess to clean up outside :( YUCK Normally - I would just cry to Mommy and plead with her to make me a set of grocery bags like hers!....... BUT - since I've been sewing "stuff" other than just quilts - I thought.... hhhmmmmm...... maybe - just maybe I could make my own!!! LOL I asked Mommy for the directions and went to work!!! Needless to say - I am LOVING the bag thing! So far Ive made 5 bags! After my first bag - I made me and Mommy matching bags for quiting/sewing/craft shopping. Then I decided to get brave and deviate fom the pattern size and make a few CUSTOM SIZE bags to my needs (pretty much just BIGGER)..... Here are some pics!

MY FIRST BAG!!! Mommy wasn't with me - so poor Mommy had to explain a few things to me over the phone! LOL I get frustrated when I've read a step more than 3 times and still stare at the paper and say "HUH??".... LOL But Mommy got me through my road blocks!! Geez where would I be without Mommy!
Then I made these fabric/sewing/craft shopping bags for me and Mommy. I dont think you can see - but Mommy's has BLUE thread and mine has PURPLE.
This one was next! I made it much bigger (and super deep) - and put REALLY LONG handles on this one! Sometimes it's hard carrying everything you have to carry with a two year old in your arms too! So it's nice to have long handles sometimes. I can sling this over my shoulder OR even dip my head & shoulder under and sling it in front of me if needed!
I'm having a GREAT TIME by the way, matching up fabric choices for the lining etc in these bags! I LOVE LOVE matching up fabrics!
This is my last and so far my FAVORITE BAG!! I added a POCKET to the front and to the back! I made it not as deep but wide and real boxy bottom! I even added a piece of covered cardboard on the bottom for good support!